Conversational selling

In any customer-facing situation, you can generally anticipate a positive response if your conversation is one in which you explore or address a customer’s needs. Conversational selling can lead to improved relationships with your customers and sales opportunities. That’s where our conversational selling programme can help. 

Our programme takes the essentials of selling to create a natural, conversational approach to customer interactions and is particularly suited to transactional sales and customer service environments. This conversational approach to selling gives your people:

  • Clarity: a conversational purpose
  • Process: easy to follow steps to customer engagement
  • Techniques: key sales approaches that will advance an opportunity

And this natural approach works. Although it is early days for our more recent customers, we have already seen changes such as:

  • Significant shifts in working practice (towards a consultative sales culture)
  • Improved transaction values (up 17% in one case)

Just take a look at some of our case studies, where conversational selling has improved performance:-

Next steps

If you would like to discuss improving the conversational sales skills of your frontline sales and customer services, please send us a message or call us on +44 (0)208 755 5380.our

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